Car Camping
In February 2020 I acquired a automatic Citroen Picasso as a daily driver, but it did not take me long to work out that both Gabby and I could sleep in the car side by side. This stroke of genius (mostly by looking at van conversions and seeing a car conversion popping up now and again) lead to Gabby and I creating insulation sheets held on by Velcro for the windows of the car and, when away at the weekends, the chairs are taken out of the back to create room for the approximately 6 foot bed. I'm the tallest of us both at 5 foot 11 inches so this is the perfect size for sleeping in the car. See blow the process and pictures of Gabby and I creating our weekend bedroom with a view! Don't forget to subscribe to the email blast to see new projects and what Gabby and I get up to when we go out in the car!